Allen is running in order to continue his passion for public service and advocate for Precinct 3.
After a career working in a nonpartisan environment with elected officials from all political persuasions, Allen believes that he can strengthen Commissioners Court by bringing forth collaborative solutions to Fort Bend County’s challenges. He believes that, at this time, the position of County Commissioner for Precinct 3 provides a unique opportunity to bring much-needed expertise in local government administration, public finance, and economic development to the Court and challenge the status quo.
Allen wants to devote his expertise to bringing equity to Precinct 3 through collaboration on Commissioners Court on the following issues:
Create return for taxes paid by Precinct 3 residents of Cities and Master Planned Communities that are more self-sufficient for basic services.
Fund 100% of County Mobility projects within Cities instead of only 50%. The current practice is inequitable to Precinct 3 residents.
Upgrade basic services for non-city residents, including road maintenance, drainage, and traffic control, before adding new services such as Entertainment Venues and an Airport.
Partner with Precinct 3 Cities and Master Planned Communities for innovative service delivery such as a regional animal shelter and adoption facilities and services, and first responder training facilities and programs. Generally, enhance the cooperative spirit between the county in Precinct 3 Cities and Master Planned Communities.
Collaborate with nonprofit agencies, churches, and government for a more secure social services safety net for the disadvantaged.
Recent engineering studies have identified serious riverbank erosion by the Brazos River threatening critical infrastructure, including Precinct 3 levees. Priority action is required to bring an intergovernmental partnership with state and federal funding to address this danger.
With Fort Bend County taking on a greater role in economic development, Commissioners Court needs Allen’s proven expertise in public-private partnerships, business attraction and retention, tourism attractions, and incentive negotiations.
Public-private partnerships are a powerful tool in economic development. To be successful, however, these agreements require prudent negotiations, careful structuring, and open transparent approvals. Without expertise, these projects can become expensive boondoggles, burdening taxpayers, and threatening the fiscal health of the County. Such agreements should not be used to avoid transparency by bypassing traditional governmental financing.
Partner with businesses, educational institutions, and labor organizations for technical apprenticeships and other workforce development programs to aid businesses and create good jobs.
Collaborate with existing business leaders to help sell Fort Bend County, educate Court officials on critical business needs, and grow existing businesses.
Small businesses need support to negotiate government bureaucracy and to promote using local businesses first.
Work with land developers, railroads, and utilities to build world-class Industrial Business Parks that are environmentally sound.
Work with the railroads to get the trains out of the way.
Enhance pedestrian mobility and safety, including handicapped accessibility.
Expand transportation options through bus and rail.
Deploy world-class traffic management technology.
Partner with Cities to coordinate traffic control timing across Precinct 3 and across the County.
Prioritize mobility investment in existing developed areas before building roads for future development.
Provide competitive compensation for county employees to improve retention, attraction, and performance expectations.
Expand transparency to budgeting and economic development activities. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Replace the pay-to-play professional service vendor selection practice with a merit-performance-based selection process.
Potholes are not Democratic nor Republican, neither red nor blue. In fact, most local government issues are nonpartisan. We need a commissioner for Precinct 3 that can work across the aisle to achieve results. Collaborative leadership can avoid inter-party conflict and gridlock and produce results for all Fort Bend County and Precinct 3 residents.